In 2012, the France was awarded a Nobel through the
person of the physicist Serge Haroche. It is part of the 56 French only to have
got it. flickr-CC-ereneta
I wrote some years ago, in an article published in the newspaper Le Monde that
the scientific and technical border was again in the United States, I caused a scandal
which compromised my mutation in this prestigious institution [1] at the
University of Bordeaux.
I enounced a fact and consistent with the researcher’s method, based on this fact in
an attempt to understand the origin, I was called "pro-American" - supreme insult - by
colleagues which for the most part take theirs acknowledges in economics from K Marx’ “The Capital”. I can understand that
the physician who studies cancer is pro-cancer?
But the devil franco-steriles academic quarrels, let's
look at the facts as they are stubborn.
At that time, after the medicine, the American
research was still devoted by the Nobel Foundation with two awards of the
American astrophysicists. For 18 years, the American research affirms its
supremacy in this most complex field of the sciences of nature, yet delivered
to market forces.
Then, the Nobel Prize in chemistry that has been
attributed to a... American chemist. Finally, the Nobel Prize in economics had
just be attributed to U.S. economist Edmund Phelps for his fundamental work on
the growth (that we would both now). It looks beautiful, the American decline
periodically announced (hoped?) by our angry intellectuals... But when they see
how the campaign of misinformation in France concerning the
work of Phelps raged, they say that it is not ready in France to get out of the
impasse that ruin any return to prosperity [2].
France should mobilize the United Nations probably asking what are applied
quotas in the award of the Nobel Prize, more accurately reflecting cultural
diversity in the world. Some think seriously of ethnic quotas. But if one does
it for the Nobel, we should do it for sport, music...
Denying the reality of international, yet
independent barometers, it comes to call into question the impartiality of the
Nobel, dedicated to the cause Committee American and international rankings of
universities (now in the hands of the Chinese universities).
But the fact is that astrophysicists, chemists,
biologists and economists from around the world who want to work seriously
(with real means) and freely (independently as a manipulated science is no longer
a science), found a better home in American universities. And they come from
all over the world.
Is this
due to a gigantic conspiracy on the part of the U.S. Government or a suicidal
self-delusion on the part of other countries whose Governments are all likely
to manipulate information, money or scientific knowledge?
In the same time, students are invited to
celebrate science feast while scientific struggle to find staff. And whole books are
raining down whose central theme is to denigrate - when it is not insulting -
the American nation with their collection of clichés worthy of the most sordid
gutter press.
But our intellectuals are convinced: for
them, Americans are just “morons” They maybe hope be thus crowned with the Nobel Prize for
literature. Yet, again, in October 2012, two American Alvin Roth and Lloyd
Shapley economists have won the Nobel Prize in economics for their work applied
to the study of the behavior of the interveners on the market.
Personally, I have had the opportunity to share a
unique moment in the life of a young researcher when Ronald Coase, an American
economist, awarded the Nobel Prize in 1991, came to talk to me after my first
lecture I gave at the University of Stockholm while I had to support my thesis.